
Kang, Sengwan


Kang, Sengwan

DFIND studio

깔끔한 업무 환경을 위한 멀티 청소용품 Clamp Basket

Clamp Basket is installed at the edge of the desk and sweeps by the cover equipped with brush without the separate cleaning tool, which is easy. Since the cover is equipped with the pencil sharpener, you can sharpen the pencil easily when necessary. It is installed at the edge of the desk to secure the spatiality. It is the desk service product providing the convenience.

대표CEOKang, Sengwan

수상이력2019 레드닷 디자인 어워드 디자인 부문 수상 2018 GOLDEN PIN CONCEPT DESIGN AWARD 수상 2018 K-DESIGN AWARD 수상

대표CEOKang, Sengwan

수상이력2019 레드닷 디자인 어워드 디자인 부문 수상 2018 GOLDEN PIN CONCEPT DESIGN AWARD 수상 2018 K-DESIGN AWARD 수상