디지털대장간 X N15

Digital-Blacksmithshop X N15

디지털대장간 X N15

Digital-Blacksmithshop X N15

전문영역에서 활동하는 크리에이터와 메이커를 위한 ‘1인용 커스텀 소파’

Exhibition Concept.
N15 and Seoul's Digital Blacksmith to transform everyday products into a new realm of lifestyle brands.
Starting with a launch of a modular armchair, it will showcase how a product can be personalized for its specific audience and its ability to customize into different brands.

Design Concept.
layered / Line (線)
Our lives are getting better little by little through small changes. By adding one line to the furniture, you can use the space more conveniently and efficiently than existing furniture.

“The layered(Line)” furniture lineup is designed for people who have infinite imagination in their own comfortable space. The addition of one layer provides better convenience to users through the derived physical features.