대구창조경제 혁신센터
Daegu Center for Creative Economy and Innovation
대구창조경제 혁신센터
Daegu Center for Creative Economy and Innovation
대구창조경제혁신센터는 대구에 위치한 대표적인 창업 지원 기관으로, ’글로벌 디자인스쿨‘을 비롯한 다양한 창업 지원 프로그램을 운영한다
CCEI Daegu operates ’Global Design School’ with Keimyung University and Goldsmiths, University of London to innovate the design of startups’ products and services. 6 teams which complete ’Global Design School’ participate in Seoul Design Festival, and you can see the products in which technology and design are well-matched.